Use the Southeast Asia cruise schedule calendar below to find a Southeast Asia cruise sailing by departure port, cruise line, or ship. View Cruises by: Departure Port | Line | Ship Search All Cruises ‹ prev month next month › Departure PortAllJan2025Feb2025Mar2025Apr2025May2025Jun2025Jul2025Aug2025Sep2025Oct2025Nov2025Dec2025Jan2026Feb2026 view$1,829$1,259$1,294$2,710$5,305$3,895$2,089$1,113$1,684$734$1,030$1,178$1,124 Bali Island, Indonesia$2,758 $10,025 $2,758 Bangkok, Thailand$2,737 $2,737 $2,940$3,791 Benoa, Indonesia$7,232 $15,250$7,232view view $8,020 $10,170$14,110 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia$734 view $734 view Cairns, Queensland, Australia$9,290 $10,720 $9,290 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia$9,780 view$9,780 Doha, Qatar$12,930 $12,930 Hanoi, Vietnam$7,199 view$7,199$7,199$8,999$8,499$7,599$8,074 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam$2,089 $2,645$2,645$2,645$4,470 $5,255$2,089$2,539$3,189$2,645$2,789$2,089$2,089 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia$1,434 $1,434 Hong Kong, Hong Kong$1,164 $1,829$6,329$11,413 $5,305 $4,320$1,829$1,164$8,117$1,314 Incheon, South Koreaview Kagoshima, Kyushu Island, Japan$10,370 $10,370 Keelung, Taiwan$4,052 $4,052 view Kobe, Japan$2,710 $4,639$11,240$2,710 $7,938 Laem Chabang, Thailand$9,514 $14,464 $9,514 Maizuru, Japan$12,710 $12,710 Manila, Luzon Island, Philippines$5,000 $5,000 Mumbai, India$4,500 $4,500 Okinawa City, Japanview Osaka, Japan$9,300 $9,300$14,340 Perth, Western Australia, Australiaview view Phnom Penh, Cambodia$2,739 $3,195$3,195$3,545$3,195 $3,895$2,739$3,689$3,195$2,739$4,495$4,595$3,195 Port Louis, Mauritius$3,220 $3,220 Pusan, South Koreaview Seattle, WA$1,113 $1,113 Seoul, South Korea$3,122 $3,122 Shanghai, Chinaview Siem Reap, Cambodia$2,089 $6,250$3,109$2,709$6,525 $7,828$2,089$2,189$3,439$3,439$3,539$2,089$6,840 Singapore, Singapore$1,030 $8,364$4,141$3,850 $1,684$1,030$1,178$1,932 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia$1,096 view $1,096 Tokyo, Japan$1,684 $9,766$7,714$5,161$3,804 $1,684$2,010 $3,435 Vancouver, BC$5,645 $5,645 Vientiane, Laosview viewview Yokohama, Japan$1,124 $6,400$1,259$1,294 $2,189$5,054 $1,124 Prices represent the lowest available price for a given sailing date, departure port, and/or month. All prices USD.