Use the Oceania & South Pacific cruise schedule calendar below to find a Oceania & South Pacific cruise sailing by departure port, cruise line, or ship. View Cruises by: Departure Port | Line | Ship Search All Cruises ‹ prev month next month › Departure PortAllJan2025Feb2025Mar2025Apr2025May2025Jun2025Jul2025Aug2025Sep2025Oct2025Nov2025Dec2025Jan2026Feb2026 view$223$142$331$179$319$439$145$417$97$169$169$226$163 Auckland, New Zealand$629 $10,876$629$1,754 $1,839$1,999 Bali Island, Indonesia$11,761 $11,761 Benoa, Indonesia$829 $829 $9,920 $6,999 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia$128 $223$142$669viewview viewview$128$169$169$226$163 Broome, Western Australia, Australia$9,480 $12,040$11,450$9,480$10,300 Cairns, Queensland, Australia$8,880 $8,880view $10,120$13,820 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia$7,160 $7,160$22,500$12,770$9,350$11,450$8,300 $11,780 Fuerte Amador, Panama$3,658 $3,658 Hilo, HI$8,400 $8,400 Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islands$9,170 $9,170 Honolulu, HI$2,261 $2,279$2,483$2,745$2,345 $2,261$4,856$9,210 Lautoka, Viti Levu Island, Fiji$1,079 $8,730 $1,749 $1,079$2,179 $5,600 Los Angeles, CA$1,220 viewview$1,454view viewview $1,220viewview$3,928view Melbourne, Victoria, Australia$2,119 $2,119 Miami, FLview Nadi, Viti Levu Island, Fijiview view Panama City, Panamaview Papeete, Society Islands, French Polynesia$1,669 $4,950$4,504$8,569$1,669$7,010$2,099$2,489$2,059$5,600$4,870$4,530$3,460$4,639 Perth, Western Australia, Australia$11,020 $11,020 San Antonio, Chile$7,919 $7,919 San Diego, CA$3,059 $3,749 $4,894 $9,799$3,059 San Francisco, CAview viewview Seattle, WA$1,989 view$1,989 Singapore, Singapore$2,189 $2,189$11,194 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia$97 $236$302$331$179$319$439$145$417$97$179$264$454$164 Valparaiso, Chile$12,108 $12,108 Vancouver, BC$4,939 $4,939 Prices represent the lowest available price for a given sailing date, departure port, and/or month. All prices USD.