Use the Antarctica cruise schedule calendar below to find a Antarctica cruise sailing by departure port, cruise line, or ship. View Cruises by: Departure Port | Line | Ship Search All Cruises ‹ prev month next month › Departure PortAllJan2025Feb2025Mar2025Apr2025May2025Jun2025Jul2025Aug2025Sep2025Oct2025Nov2025Dec2025Jan2026Feb2026 view$10,380$6,850viewviewviewviewviewview$6,529$7,350$2,839$2,809$6,660 Bridgetown, Barbadosview Broome, Western Australia, Australiaview view Buenos Aires, Argentina$2,809 viewview $6,529view$2,839$2,809view Darwin, Northern Territory, Australiaview view Dublin, Irelandview view Dunedin, New Zealand$12,440 $15,090$12,440 Hobart, Tasmania, Australiaview viewview Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islandsview view Kangerlussuaq, Greenlandview viewview King George Island, Antarctica$18,500 $18,500 $18,500$18,500$24,700$19,400$19,400 Lautoka, Viti Levu Island, Fijiview view Lima, Peruview view Longyearbyen, Norwayview viewview Manaus, Brazilview view Nome, AKview view Papeete, Society Islands, French Polynesiaview view view Port Chalmers, New Zealandview view Puerto Williams, Chile$14,400 $15,000$14,400 $17,900$19,500$19,500$24,600$19,500 Punta Arenas, Chileview viewview viewviewviewview Reykjavik, Icelandview view view Rio de Janeiro, Brazilview viewview San Antonio, Chile$3,009 view view $3,009view Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina$6,660 $10,380$6,850 view$7,350$8,780$8,250$6,660 Prices represent the lowest available price for a given sailing date, departure port, and/or month. All prices USD.